Image of a calming beach

photo of a calming beach

This image was obtained from

  1. This image depicts a calming beach. It shows the beautiful blue water and white sand as well as the surrounding greenery.
  2. I find the most interesting thing about this image is how the photographer was able to capture so many differnt shades of blue in one photograph and also how bright all of the colors are.
  3. This image uses the graphic format JPG

Characteristics of JPG graphic format

  1. Best used for photogrpahs
  2. It cannot be animated
  3. Can show up to 16.7 million colors

Image of a crocodile

photo of a crocodile

This image was obtained from

  1. This image depicts a crocodile with its mouth open. It shows the crocodile in a natural position.
  2. I find the most interesting thing about this image is that it has no background, it is just showing the crocodile and I was unaware previously that PNG images allowed you to do that. Another interesting thing is how you can see all the scales of the crocodile very well as well as the different shades of green.
  3. This image uses the graphic format PNG

Characteristics of PNG graphic format

  1. It supports millions of colors
  2. It supports multiple levels of transparency
  3. It combines the best characteristics of GIF and JPG

Image of Crab Nebula

photo of Crab Nebula

This image was obtained from

  1. This image depicts the Crab Nebula which is a supernova. The gif shows the supernova changing colour.
  2. I find the most interesting thing about this image is how the changing of colour was captured and also the intersting shape of the supernova. It is also very soothing to watch the shape change color
  3. This image uses the graphic format GIF

Characteristics of GIF graphic format

  1. It is best used for line art and logos
  2. It supports a maximum of 256 colors
  3. It can be animated